before going to grand central, i had to make one important stop in manhattan: laduree. the nyc flagship store has the macarons shipped from paris three times a week! i waited in line for an hour and paid a ridiculous amount for them (i chose salted caramel, dark chocolate and rose petal), but they were so worth it.
laduree macarons
drew and i are heading back to portland tonight, so i'm trying to soak up every last minute at home before we have to go to the dreaded jfk airport. while we're waiting for hours and hours in baggage and security lines, i'll be reflecting on all the happy memories from my visit. like last thursday, when i took my requisite trip to brooklyn. i'm not sure there's anything better than spending 24 precious hours eating, shopping, and staying out late with my best friends.
before going to grand central, i had to make one important stop in manhattan: laduree. the nyc flagship store has the macarons shipped from paris three times a week! i waited in line for an hour and paid a ridiculous amount for them (i chose salted caramel, dark chocolate and rose petal), but they were so worth it.

before going to grand central, i had to make one important stop in manhattan: laduree. the nyc flagship store has the macarons shipped from paris three times a week! i waited in line for an hour and paid a ridiculous amount for them (i chose salted caramel, dark chocolate and rose petal), but they were so worth it.
scenes from christmas
my christmas was filled with sushi, best friends, a trip to maine with drew's family and a nasty case of strep throat. angry tonsils aside, i feel so blessed. it was a perfect low-key christmas with my favorite people in the world. and though all i wanted was a plane ticket home, my family went ahead and spoiled me.

1. our fake tree.
2. shrimp tacos for christmas eve dinner (recipe to come).
3. kate spade purse.
4. vintage treasures from my grandma.
5. design*sponge at home book + gift card to my favorite store.
6. macaron cookbook + the vegetarian bible.

1. our fake tree.
2. shrimp tacos for christmas eve dinner (recipe to come).
3. kate spade purse.
4. vintage treasures from my grandma.
5. design*sponge at home book + gift card to my favorite store.
6. macaron cookbook + the vegetarian bible.
a sure sign that the apocalypse is near: my sister and i are taking my dad to get an iphone today. the man who always has the free (read: most ancient) phone and doesn't know how to use a computer is getting an iphone before me.
he proudly announced he was getting "the smart phone" and after asking him about 100 times which smart phone (he thought it was just called the smart phone), we figured out that he meant the iphone. his first question was which app he should buy at the verizon store... god bless his technologically challenged heart.
he proudly announced he was getting "the smart phone" and after asking him about 100 times which smart phone (he thought it was just called the smart phone), we figured out that he meant the iphone. his first question was which app he should buy at the verizon store... god bless his technologically challenged heart.
recent reads
you know i'm on vacation from school when i'm reading for pleasure non-stop. i'm devouring one book that makes me hungry and long for paris, some john keats and walt whitman to "continue my emotional education" (yes, i did just quote love actually), short stories by a current author that i adore, and all of the catalogs from my favorite stores that my mom has been saving for me.

spicy margarita kit
being at home is the best. i'm having way too much fun with family and friends and finally have time to get a little crafty. here's a semi-homemade gift idea for the holiday season!
spicy margarita kit
i filled a quart-sized ball jar with tequila and added two chopped and de-seeded jalapeno peppers. after letting the peppers infuse for two days, i strained them and tied an extra jalapeno to the outside of the jar. in a basket lined with tissue paper, i placed the infused tequila, limes, triple sec and two little glasses found at anthropologie. wrapped with baker's twine around the basket handle, i added this recipe card with simple instructions for spicy margaritas.
spicy margarita kit
i filled a quart-sized ball jar with tequila and added two chopped and de-seeded jalapeno peppers. after letting the peppers infuse for two days, i strained them and tied an extra jalapeno to the outside of the jar. in a basket lined with tissue paper, i placed the infused tequila, limes, triple sec and two little glasses found at anthropologie. wrapped with baker's twine around the basket handle, i added this recipe card with simple instructions for spicy margaritas.
scenes from the portland bazaar
here's a little glimpse of the portland bazaar. all of the handmade crafts and wares were beautiful, but the only things i could afford were some tiny notebooks, a salted chocolate bar and some postcards to add to the growing collection on our wall.

have you listened to the new black keys album yet? at first listen, i was a little underwhelmed. it's good, but not great (except for a few gems like "little black submarines"). maybe i just need to warm up to it a bit more, because i so want to love it as much as i love their other albums.
tomorrow is the portland bazaar and sunday we'll be on a red-eye home. so excited. happy weekend!
early christmas gift
an early christmas gift came from nordstrom yesterday! i've been keeping my eyes open for a slightly more feminine version of clarks desert boots and i finally found them (on sale) so i treated myself. they will be perfect to wear with tights and a dress or with jeans and a big cozy sweater. i'm smitten.
'tis the season
for my favorite candy! i've eaten a chocolate orange every christmas for as long as i can remember. my palate has matured a bit since childhood, so i prefer the dark chocolate variety now. i also (clearly) prefer not to wait until christmas to open it and can eat as many slices as i want in one sitting! the joys of adulthood.

scenes from the weekend
i can't believe in one week we'll be flying home for a long holiday visit! i'm expecting the next few days to be a little bit crazy with packing, finishing school and other last minute necessities.
over the weekend, we checked out lizard lounge for drew's potential christmas gift. he's in the market for new eyeglasses, and these warby parker ones are well-made and do a good deed as a bonus. a haircut, homemade thai food, hard cider, and a 4-hour long stroll with jill around the neighborhood made for the perfect way to relax and enjoy portland before i leave for a little while.

over the weekend, we checked out lizard lounge for drew's potential christmas gift. he's in the market for new eyeglasses, and these warby parker ones are well-made and do a good deed as a bonus. a haircut, homemade thai food, hard cider, and a 4-hour long stroll with jill around the neighborhood made for the perfect way to relax and enjoy portland before i leave for a little while.

1. warby parker showroom
2. lots of hip glasses
3. cider makes us silly
4. macarons + gelato for jill and i
5. pink sparkle polish to add to my little collection
6. christmas lights hung around the kitchen
how is it already december? i'm having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit, as it feels like just yesterday i was sitting outside in the august sun. our apartment is much too small for a tree, but this weekend i plan on hanging some white string lights while blasting this adorable album and drinking peppermint hot chocolate. if that doesn't make me excited for christmas, i don't know what will!
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