
bill cunningham new york

i'm off to class tonight! last spring, i scheduled my two courses for this term to be back-to-back, with the idea that it would be best to just dedicate one day a week to class. but now that i've been on summer vacation for almost four months, i'm slightly regretting that decision. here's hoping that i can stay awake and focused for both...

i did take the day off from work today and was delighted to see that bill cunningham new york is now on netflix. it chronicles the life of new york times photographer bill cunningham and his uncanny ability to capture fashion through the years. he revolutionized the whole concept of street style! if you have netflix, i highly recommend this documentary.

1 comment:

  1. Love the BC doc- so good. Best of luck with classes, lady!

    Ps. I will be in Portland oct 15-18, happy hour a must! (perhaps portland city grill sunday night! :)
